Town of Patterson Recreation & Parks
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Patterson Recreation Preschool 2020-2021

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.

What: Our program will encourage your child to explore, think, create and problem solve, while actively engaging in fun filled learning.  We will work with your child on an individual basis in reading and math as well as stimulating them with science, art, music, drama and fitness to develop a strong base for academic success. 
Who: 2-5 year olds (do not have to be potty trained)
When: Monday - Friday 9:00am to 12:00pm  STARTING September 8th
$325 per month for 5 days a week; $300 per sibling

Due to Covid-19 guidelines and restrictions, we are only offering the 5 day per week option and accepting 10 students.  Only online payments will be accepted until further notice.

Monthly tuition is due by the 1st of EVERY month

Note: Must have physical/immunization records before starting!  Doctor can fax them to 845-878-7232

Please send your child to school with snack and a drink in a clear zip-lock back.

There are no refunds once program has started.  The program is filled on a first come first served basis.  We follow the Carmel Central School District School Calendar for school days and inclement weather cancellations normally, but reserve the right to make changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pre-K 2020-2021

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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